Hey all, I am putting Super Mega on an indefinite hiatus today. If you watch this video, you will see why. This video is about the allegations against the other SuperMega (completely different people whom I am not affiliated with), how in my opinion the other SuperMega ripped off and destroyed my brand, my lawsuit against them, the fallout, and why I have to put my Super Mega on an indefinite hiatus. Thank you to everyone who's read the comics over the years, made funny fan comics, supported my work on Kickstarter and Patreon, and of course joined in on good ol' Laser Day. All of you are awesome, and I'll miss you a lot.




New Fan Art
Five new comics todaayyayy

First for today is Homeless and Hungry by Ray Turmoil. I like how this one doesn't make any sense. :D

Second for today is TURTLEMAN by Bob. The guy is clearly confused that he is being shot by a turtle.

Third for today is Super Duper Mega Comic by creambiscuit. The black box clearly absorbed headpiece-changing-man's super powers. Perhaps he was apologizing for eating him earlier then he realized he was about to eat him again

Fourth for today is Gibbs and Death by Joey123. Hah, I like the "Try and touch your nose" then "Owww my eye I missed!" And he clearly has a stick moustache :|D

Fifth and last for today is Don't Like Pie by Drews. Ha ha he just pushed him off a cliff. I don't like pie... D:

Whooo yes good day everybody


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com