Welcome to Laser Day 2005!

All the Laser Day comics have been posted! Thank you all for the comics you sent in, and although the whole thing got dragged on for a while, it was worth it to have such a big thing! I don't think any other comic has done anything quite like this, so I think it's fantastic that everyone got to be a part of it! We'll return to the normal comics on Monday! Happy Laser Day! ;D


Laser Day Comics 1-4
Laser Day Comics 5-8
Laser Day Comics 9-12
Laser Day Comics 13-16
Laser Day Comics 17-20
Laser Day Comics 21-24
Laser Day Comics 25-28
Laser Day Comics 29-32
Laser Day Comics 33-36
Laser Day Comics 37-40
Laser Day Comics 41-44